Előadások /// Talks

Video recordings of my talks

Plenary lecture at the online conference ‘Crisis, Change and Perspectives’. The Intercultural Confluences Research Centre, Miercurea Ciuc, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, April 2021

Trauma in the Digital Age. The Representation, Transmission, and Processing of Trauma on Social Media

At the Digital Roundtable on Transdisciplinary Trauma Studies, organized by the Memory Studies Association, on 20th December 2021, I talked about my research on digital trauma and transdiscplinarity.

The talk is available on YouTube

Hangfelvétel / Recording  

Invited talk: women’s literary traditionPoA Places of Amnesia Poster

Places of Amnesia Seminar Series at the University Cambridge


Hungarian literary history tends to forget about women writers, they are not included in school curricula, even if they had been well known and highly appreciated in their own times. Anna Menyhért’s book Női irodalmi hagyomány (Women’s Literary Tradition) was the first to explore the reasons for the amnesia. Her talk will introduce the book, participants can read and discuss Hungarian women poets in translations by George Szirtes made specially for the occassion.


Hungarian Women’s Poetry Event

Contemporary Hungarian Studies Conference, University of Glasgow,  2015


Writing Hungary – Nottingham Festival of Words




Előadás Besztercebányán. 2013.03.15.

Németh Zoltán beszámolója a blogjában.