Anna Menyhért is a researcher, writer, university professor, and a teacher of creative writing. Her research fields are trauma studies, women’s writing, literary theory, cultural studies and memory studies. She has published academic monographs, poetry, fiction, and books for children.
She studied in Budapest, Moscow, London, North Carolina and Amsterdam, received her PhD (2002) and gave her habilitation lectures (2011) in literary trauma studies at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.
Currently she is a Professor of Trauma Studies at the Budapest University of Jewish Studies. She was a research fellow at The Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies in Vienna (2020-2021); a visiting professor at the University of Florence (2020); a Marie-Curie fellow at the University of Amsterdam (2016–2018) ( She led the Trauma and Gender in Literature and Culture Research Group at Eötvös Loránd University (2012–2015), studying early 20thcentury women writers and their networks (
She founded and was the director of the Hungarian Literary Authors’ Collecting Society (2007–2014), was the vice president of the European Writers’ Council (2004–2011), as well as the president of the Attila József Circle Literary Union of Young Writers (2000–2006). She used to work as the head of the Department of Hungarian Studies at the Balassi Bálint Institute (2002–2005), and as an assistant professor of literary studies at Miskolc University.
She was the owner and director of 5K Központ, a private creative writing school in Budapest that offered courses for both children and adults. 5K Központ is the partner of the Nottingham Writers’ Studio and the GEDOK of Karlsruhe, Germany in their joint EU funded Grundtvig mobility project on creative writing called Dovetail.
Her academic essays were published in English, Russian, and German. Her poems and tales have been translated into English, Italian, and Romanian and were published in magazines, for example the Staple in Nottingham, Formafluens in Rome. She regularly gives invited talks on women’s literary tradition as well as on trauma studies and literature (in Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, the UK), takes part in readings, conferences, and creative writing workshops.
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